Service facilities and hotel performance: empirical evidence from hotel-level data in Thailand

17. Mr. Jordi ด้านใน

     Mr. Jordi Meya Domínguez, a former Master’s student of ICO NIDA, published his Independent Study (IS) research project in the “International Journal of Services and Operations Management”. The journal is ranked in the “SCImago Quartile 2 ” in the area of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (H-index=26).

     His research analyzes the effects of service facilities within the hotel industry in Thailand. He found that service facilities influence native guests (Thais) and foreign guests (non-Thais) differently. From the analysis of the secondary data that cover 2,627 hotel observations, his results shows that among all service facilities providing, a sound internet service seems to be the best contribution to hotel performance. Consequently, his research recommends hotel managers to take into consideration a reliable internet connection as a priority to ensure successful short-term and long-term performance.

His research was under close supervision and guidance of his adviser, Prof. Dr. Piriya Pholphirul.


Domínguez, J.M., & Pholphirul, P. (2020), Service facilities and hotel performance: empirical evidence from hotel-level data in Thailand, 36(3),